Dinner VenueBefore the dinner, the aperetif will take place at restaurant Ferme de l'Aveyron - 6 rue Jules Chalande - at 7:00pm. An opera show sung by a duet of mezzoes accompanied with French wine and appetizers. Then cross the street. The dinner will take place at Cave de la Maréchale - 3, rue Jules Chalande - at 8:30pm. Cécile Piovan, Cyril Kubler and Lucile Verbizier Charming, mischievous and touching Cecile Piovan and Lucile Verbizier will take you on a journey into the world of opera singers. Velvet-voiced mezzo-sopranos, sparkling and cheeky their singing acrobatics, unending vocal prowess and intimate glances will delight both your eyes and ears. Faithfully accompanied by their pianist Cyril Kubler they have prepared a richly varied programme mixing operatic favourites with lesser known works. Prepare yourselves for an evening of aural treats and vocal fireworks.